Reimen Addicts Anonymous

the truest reimen lover's spirit was so strong it made manifest to our revered dish ninety years early.

find out more on kenzan-kiwami, or not, because i haven't written about it there yet.

Comparing Adachi's and Kashiwagi's Fashion Sense

I saw a post a while ago comparing Adachi’s work suit in RGG8 to Kashiwagi’s bartender waistcoat pattern, but we've since seen another buckwild fashion choice from Adachi in the same game:

Which doesn’t really come across as much on its own - after all, you can chalk it up to just being a similar colour scheme.

However, looking back at the other things i’ve noticed over time, it starts to feel like it might not be just a coincidence.

Take the ties here:

This was admittedly pure cope for me before 8 came out, because I see this tie pattern a LOT across the games and we all should know by now how often RGGS reuse assets, but this example is a little unique in that the stripes on the knot run perpendicular to the stripes on the rest of the tie - Adachi’s default enforcer outfits use the same colour scheme on the tie, except all of the stripes run parallel. I’d have to check the other ties like this I’ve seen to know if it truly is a unique case, but it’s something to consider nonetheless.

The last thing of course being the suit pattern, which startledpixel posted a while ago around the time the character renders got posted on the IW website:

I’m not saying anything is concrete - perhaps RGG men in their sixties-or-thereabouts just have similar taste in formal wear. But it’s kind of wild that it’s happened three times now between the bartender and his sole regular of however many years.